2. Plan your memorial program - Click here to fill in the online form for your customized program:
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf2lfdEho6cGqzArt6zEbOcxoEuFhCKL60nV8ynBfYbQRn4yw/viewform (see a program outline below)
3. Gather photos and Email them to KeepsakeMemorials123@gmail.com Photos can also be sent via Dropbox or Google Drive. If you need to have photos scanned you can take them to the mortuary or Walmart. They need to be scanned at 300 dpi.
A. This process has to move quickly to get the program to the printer in time for the service.
B. Assign one family member or friend to be the contact with the designer.
C. Last minute changes are dangerous as errors can slip in when things get rushed.
The following is found on the online form